Admission Form

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Admission Form

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit.

Like you, our greatest concern is the well-being of your pet. Before putting your pet under anesthesia, we will perform a pre-surgical examination. However, many conditions, including disorders of the liver, kidneys, heart or blood, are not detected unless EKG and blood testing are performed. Such tests are especially important before any type of surgical procedure. For these reasons, we highly recommend heart ($52.50) and blood ($108.75) screening and will perform these tests unless declined. Our laboratory is fully equipped and staffed to perform these important heart and blood tests. Results will be immediately available to examine before anesthesia and/or surgery.
Please mark any additional procedures you would like performed while your pet is under anesthesia.
Applicable to all animals undergoing a dental procedure: Our pets require sedation before a thorough evaluation of the mouth can be completed. While your pet is under anesthesia an x-ray of the mouth will be obtained to identify the presence of disease. The teeth will be completely cleaned, polished, and examined. The doctor will then extract any teeth that are loose, decaying, or pose a future health risk for your pet. It is much safer and cost-effective to complete all dental procedures during this initial visit rather than schedule another appointment with general anesthesia required. Please understand that we will only do what we deem necessary for the future health and well-being of your pet.